A Week Into My Film Adventure!


    Before taking this film course I did not know much about the history of film. I knew that years back movies did not include color or sound, however, that was the extent of my knowledge in this field of arts. When I was reading about the different advancements that led to the movies we have today I was intrigued. I was surprised to learn that a bet regarding a horses gallop led to the invention of series photography, the beginning of film history. When thinking about where film had to start, it makes sense that photographs would be the starting point, it is just amusing to hear that it was due to a horse racing bet.

    All the different equipment that was used and invented to display and make these movies is also incredible: cinematographe, daguerreotype, zoetrope, etc. It is weird to think about seeing a movie through other means besides a tv or movie theater. The idea of watching a short film through a kinetoscope seems unbearable. However, watching movies the way we do today would be impossible without it.

    I was also very surprised by the contribution Thomas Edison had to the film industry. I knew he created "Black Maria" the first movie studio. Additionally, it was really interesting to read about how the current film production companies came to be what they are today, for example, the Warner Bros. 

    The movie "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" was not what I expected. I always thought of older movies as boring since I am so used to the modern movies. However, the plot of the 1920 movie really caught my attention. So much thought was put into making the film exception. I know remakes of movies are often looked down upon, but I think it would be interesting to see how the current technology, color and sound could contribute to the film. I loved the plot but the jazz music in the background and no audio made it difficult for me to stay focused on the film.

    I am excited to see how film continues to change through the movies we see in class. I was pleasantly surprised and look forward to seeing more.


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