The Life Aquatic with Ola Zugaj
During class this week we had the opportunity to enjoy the work of Wes Anderson, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. I was never good at knowing names of actors or directors. Within a few minutes of watching the film I knew exactly who the director was not by his name but by his other master pieces. I watched Fantastic Mr. Fox this last summer because my boyfriend forced me to. However, I automatically knew what Wes Anderson's style was, his unique Mise-en-Scene.
In the Anderson films, symmetry is seen in almost every scene with the character in the middle of the camera. It creates a feeling of balance and harmony within his viewers. It is impossible to see that extent of symmetry in the real world, therefore, it automatically catches the viewers' eyes in the movies. Additionally, Anderson uses a very limited color palette in his movies. I believe the reason for this is to keep the attention of the audience on the characters and plot of the movie.
This may get some backlash, but I did not like the movie. I thought the acting was too animated and made all the character sounds and act childlike. For me personally, it is difficult for me to find a comedy that I enjoy. I like action movies, drama movies, horror movies, however, with comedy films I am extremely picky. The cinematography and acting, reminded me of The Office. A show I did not enjoy and could not watch passed the first episode.
This is a film course where we are watching many different types of movies. It would be impossible to enjoy every single one. This movie just ended up being one that I did not like sadly.
I agree with you that his limited color palette is what helps add to the plot and characters in the movie. I think that Wes Anderson does have his own unique style, and this is the first film of his that I have ever seen so it was interesting to see a different style from a director.