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Wrap Party

 This class was an incredible and unique experience. I was exposed to movies that I never would have thought of seeing. The movies we watched in class were different from those I would normally watch. When I was on the plane, flying back from Poland, I was scrolling through the films available and I realized how many films we went over in our class. Rear Window, Me and You and Everyone We Know, Get Out, and Pan's Labyrinth were all available to watch on the plane. Most of these movies I wouldn't even think about when scrolling through to find a movie to watch. However, while I was scrolling this time I thought about how this class opened my eyes to film as a whole. This course has showed me appreciation for all the elements that contribute to creating a film: the camera, the angles, the focus, the script, the actors, all the little choices. A slight shift in the camera can have the power to change the trajectory of the film. If all of the little components were removed the film...

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